Lake Toback DiDomenico Divorce And Family Law
We Recommend You Contact Us Before Your Spouse Does

Helping Illinois Clients Value And Divide Businesses

Determining the value of a business can be a highly technical and time-consuming endeavor, whether it is corporate, limited liability or sole-proprietor in origin. Knowing how to get this done in a cost-efficient and effective manner is critical.

Lake Toback DiDomenico is frequently retained by business owners and their spouses. We have considerable experience handling dissolution proceedings that involve businesses, partnerships, family owned businesses, professional corporations and other closely held companies. For the skilled and knowledgeable representation you require, contact our law office in Chicago, Illinois.

Business Valuations And Property Division: What To Know

During divorce proceedings, it is necessary to characterize and value all items of property. While parties may testify to the value of property, business valuation experts offer critical assistance in the valuation of a business.

Business experts value accounts receivable, payable, fixed assets, goodwill and work in progress to arrive at a going market value of a business. Parties may agree to retain a neutral expert or they may each retain separate experts to provide a valuation of the business.

If your financial interests are at stake in a divorce involving a business or other assets of considerable value, it is critical that you retain an experienced divorce lawyer who can ensure the protection of your rights.

Premier Family Law Attorneys

Find out for yourself why so many individuals have retained Lake Toback DiDomenico for their legal needs. Our partners offer more than 50 years of experience in matrimonial law and have each received numerous honors from legal peers for their skilled representation and proven dedication to clients. If retained to handle your case, we will provide the same level of service that has earned us a reputation as one of the top divorce firms in the state of Illinois.

Discuss Divorce And Business Valuation With Our Lawyers

Let our attorneys guide you through the valuation and division processes. Our office is five blocks west of Lake Shore Drive and ten blocks east of I-90/94, at the southeast corner of Washington and Dearborn streets. You can call us at 312-288-8985 or contact us by email.