Lake Toback DiDomenico Divorce And Family Law
We Recommend You Contact Us Before Your Spouse Does

Skillfully Handling Contested Divorces

A contested divorce is one in which the two parties do not agree on one or more issues. At Lake Toback DiDomenico in Chicago, our attorneys are known for their deft handling of any issue that may arise in divorce, including marital property division, child custody and visitation, spousal maintenance, child support and domestic violence.

Our partners, Michael DiDomenico, Steven R. Lake and Sean Hamann, excel at handling cases involving the division of significant assets such as trusts, real estate, businesses and retirement benefits.

Preparing You For A Tough Road

No one should enter into a contested divorce unprepared. If you think a divorce is in your future, it is important to put your case in the hands of an experienced attorney sooner rather than later. The decisions you make now can affect your parental rights and financial security of the rest of your life.

Before you discuss divorce with your spouse or anyone else, contact an attorney at our firm. We will explain the law as well as legal steps that we can take to help you meet your goals. At the same time, we can advise you about steps you should avoid taking. Our goal is to protect your interests at every stage of the divorce process.

Get Our Legal Assistance For Your Divorce

Lake Toback DiDomenico is located in the heart of Chicago’s Loop. Our office is five blocks west of Lake Shore Drive and 10 blocks east of I-90/94, at the southeast corner of Washington and Dearborn streets. To contact our attorneys, call 312-288-8985 or contact us by email.