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Courts look at more than finances when awarding custody

On Behalf of | Dec 22, 2021 | Child Custody |

When deciding a child custody case, the court looks at many factors to determine which parent and home would be most appropriate. A parent’s financial situation plays a part, as the custodial parent has to pay for many expenses related to child care. That said, an Illinois family law judge will examine other things besides a parent’s net worth and income.

The guiding principle for child custody rulings

The term “the best interests of the child” defines what the court puts above all else when making a child custody decision. A judge looks at how safe the home life is, whether moving would be disruptive to the child, the parent’s availability to care for the young one, and more. A parent’s income does face examination and review. However, earning more than the other parent doesn’t mean the court will automatically put the child with the wealthier parent.

Remember, the court will also review both parents’ financial situation when weighing decisions about child support. The higher earner may provide a substantial child support payment to the custodial parent, decreasing some concerns about income.

Financial matters and child custody arrangements

Child support might be all that the court awards to a parent. The divorce proceedings may result in spousal support orders. Such additional support may further provide a financially stable home for the child.

Both parents must prove more than the ability to support the young one financially. Both parties could present evidence to substantiate their claims to give the young one a stable home life during the proceedings. One spouse could provide evidence that the other parent lacks such abilities. Proving the parent has a substance abuse or a gambling problem, for example, may undermine any claims of being a fit parent. Ultimately, the court will look at all the evidence before rendering a decision.