Lake Toback DiDomenico Divorce And Family Law
We Recommend You Contact Us Before Your Spouse Does

Protecting Your Interests: Dissipation Of Assets In Illinois Divorce

Divorce is a complex financial process, and the division of marital assets is a crucial step. At Lake Toback DiDomenico, our attorneys understand that one spouse may attempt to hide or waste marital assets during a divorce, a practice known as dissipation. We’ll fight to protect your financial rights and ensure a fair property division in Illinois.

Dealing With Dissipation

Illinois law prohibits the dissipation of marital assets. This means neither spouse can waste, squander or transfer marital property without a legitimate reason. Examples of dissipation include hiding money, maxing out credit cards for personal expenses, or transferring assets to family or friends.

If you suspect your spouse is dissipating assets, it’s critical to act quickly. Our knowledgeable lawyers at Lake Toback DiDomenico can help you gather evidence and present a compelling case to the court. We’ll work tirelessly to:

  • Trace missing assets: Our team has the resources and experience to track hidden assets, ensuring an accurate picture of the marital estate.
  • Demonstrate dissipation: We’ll meticulously document instances where your spouse misused marital funds and advocate for a fair distribution of remaining assets.
  • Protect your financial future: Dissipation can significantly impact your financial security after divorce. We’ll fight to recover any lost assets and ensure you receive an equitable settlement.

Dissipation of assets is a serious issue that requires immediate action. Our trusted attorneys at Lake Toback DiDomenico in Chicago are here to protect your financial interests throughout your divorce. We understand the complexities of Illinois law and will work diligently to recover any lost assets.

Protect Your Assets

Contact our experienced attorneys at Lake Toback DiDomenico in Chicago today. Call us at 312-288-8985 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you navigate the legal process and secure a fair outcome.